Black Folk Problems

“When it hurts, it runs deep. When it runs deep, it becomes contagious. When it becomes contagious, it becomes dangerous. Let’s take the fear and danger out of asking for help.”

Yesterday we lost a great legion, Robin Williams. As I am sure most have heard, his death was the result of a suicide. It is reported that he suffered from depression and substance abuse; which he had been trying to stay clean and get the help he needed. Now you may ask what does this have to with black folks and their issues. My response everything…

As an African American young woman, I have seen and heard the affects of mental illness in our community. “Get out them white folks face talkin’ bout yo problems. They don’t care you!” and “We have enough thang going on in our lives without you hollering ’round here ’bout yo business!” and “We black, we ain’t got no head problems.” and “Suck that crap up, life moving on and you sitting here cryin’ bout split milk.” Now I have heard a few of these phrases and then some and the sad part is those who may have been seeking help, have never gotten or will never  receive the care that they may need. Feeling as if they are weak and/or not a REAL black person if they seek counseling for their issues.

Mental health is very much real in our communities and in our lives. Not every one knows how to do a healthy purge of emotions. So as that parent, sibling, friend, lover, co-worker and/or community we have to make sure that we are hearing our loved ones out. Counseling may not be the solution to everything, maybe that person needs to know that they are genuinely loved and cared for by those that are in their life. And maybe counseling is just the thing that they may need. We will never know what our loved ones may be in need of, if we never listen and shut them out whenever they reach out.

So how does mental health become black folk problems? I am not saying that mental health is solely black folk problems, but what I am saying is, the denial of mental health issues in our community is great. The problem with being in denial about it becomes dangerous to the person and their environment. It becomes our problem because we are the ones tearing down those who suffer from any form of mental health or as a proxy in that person’s life we are giving them unrealistic answers to their very real issues.

There are black people right now struggling to cope with life, because their loved ones shutdown the idea of seeking professional help. Living a life where people feel that you are so out of control and they are now afraid you, but these are the same people who denied you the help you may have needed to be able to function in society. Our communities are filled with oxymoron’s and it needs to stop. 

So let’s pray (if you are praying people), talk, laugh, sooth or whatever that person may need from you at the time. But it’s timeout for closing the doors on our loved ones. It’s time to close our mouths and open our ears to their needs. Let’s build them up and let them that they are surrounded by love and encourage them to see things through. 

Until next time… Deuces 


Patience Is The New Black


Hello love bugs!!!

I am late posting and I apologize. I am seriously going to get back on track I promise.

As I mentioned earlier in a previous blog, it’s time for Lent. I am going to do my best to post every Friday or Saturday, share a few scriptures with you and s few other things.

I follow SheReadsTruth blog… Here they gave an assigned reading to for their followers to do. This week it was on Psalms 130.

So here we go…

As I read Psalms 130, I couldn’t help but reflect on redemption, forgiveness and patience. In verses 2-3 it speak on redemption, it translates for me into, “Lord, pay attention to my cry for help. If you looked at sins who would be left.” These verses are important since we all seek for His everlasting grace and mercy. Open your heart and cry out to Him so He can hear your pleas for help and grant you the salvation that your heart desires. Verse 4; acknowledges that with God there is forgiveness. And with that forgiveness we as his people will worship him. Also, verses 5-6, patience in our Christian journey is key. “I wait for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” Wait day and night for the lord to come to bless you and deliver you from whatever is going on in your life. In 7-8, He tells Israel to put all their faith into Him, there is faithful love and redemption.

No matter where life takes you or how bad you may think your problem is God is waiting to hear your cry so that he may come and help you. He may not come when you want Him but His love and forgiveness is right on time, so display patience for Him. He has not forgotten about you. God is powerful and He is waiting on you to put your hope in Him and not man. He wants the same love and affection as you expect from Him. With His love you comes forgiveness and so many other treasures of life. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, we are unworthy to stand before but we so deeply yearn to serve Him. Place your hope in the Lord cause in His coming there is redemption for our sins.

Patience is a very important key to this passage; primarily because it’s very important in our everyday lives. Without patience you may be blocking blessings out of your life. No one wants to give cheerfully to a person who is intolerable and rude to the public. You never know who may be watching or who you are talking to. Yes the situation you may be in is very frustrating and uneasy to deal with; do not lose focus of your goals. That situation may be your breakthrough. Keep a smile on your face and keep moving forward in God.

Psalms 130 should bring us all to tears and humble us. We all have short comings but He loves us anyway. He forgives us when we may not even deserve it. He is continuously blessings us and watching over us. All he asks is for us to be patient. You should be patient and believe in Him. Israel waited why can’t we? Worship Him while you wait.

Blessings and Glory belong to you!!!

Later love bugs!!!