Lies, Booze and Daddy Issues

Well church, I know some time has passed since I last wrote anything or even dropped by to hello. I’m sorry y’all. However, let me tell y’all the word of the day: Forgiveness

You can not make it through any relationship without FORGIVENESS. And I am not talking about that forgiveness that you give after you have had time to cool off. Not that forgiveness you give when you are good and ready. I am talking about someone doing you wrong and you look at them in their face and smile. Forgive them and walk away. I am talking about your husband coming home from work and has no plans to take over for you so you can shower; and you look him in the face and smile. Yes, I am talking about that quick on your toes forgiveness. That bob and weave forgiveness. Lmbo!!!

Seriously though, forgiveness is a must. I have had my share of times when I want to react in a negative manner and go all off. Get so hood with a few folks but a few times I looked at myself and said girl please, I wish you would. I hit my forgive button; put my diva face on and roll out. In reading my bible I have found a lot of answers to the simple questions in the book of Ephesians. But what I have to say doesn’t come from Ephesians it comes from Matthew 6:14-15

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

In others, forgive that man or woman who has done you wrong cause God will stop you dead in your tracks and say “DO NOT PASS GO! AND DO NOT COLLECT $500.” Maybe not those words but you get the picture.

Growing up, my father wasn’t there much for me. I thought my mother was your typical baby mama keeping that baby from the daddy. As I got older my views we were changed on the entire situation and I was forced to see the truth for what it really was, he was just unavailable so to speak. Looking back at my mother she was the perfect model of forgiveness. She knew what the deal was between the two of them and instead of telling me the truth, she nurtured my opinion of them both and never uttered a bad word about him. Well until it was time for me get married. Moral here is, forgiveness to those who have wronged you and forgive yourself. No need of beating yourself up for actions that have already been taken. Once I found out the truth, I wanted to hate him for the remainder of my life; however, I couldn’t and I don’t. I don’t understand why he didn’t or doesn’t want a relationship with me but I couldn’t ponder over that because I don’t know his side. But I was surprisingly quick to forgive him. Yeah it hurt my feelings but it taught me to forgive the things I didn’t understand.

Forgiving things that you do not understand may seem difficult. And no it doesn’t get easier. However you will drive yourself crazy trying to understand another person’s actions, especially when your actions are the only ones you have control over. So stop telling yourself those lies to help you sleep at night, put down that glass of wine or the booze; get on your knees forgive those who have wronged you and forgive yourself while you’re at. Remember to love your neighbors and most of all love yourself.

Goodnight church!!!

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